Available in: Axsy Mobile for Salesforce


Axsy's Summer '24 release introduces a Code Push feature that allows customers to deploy Feature Bundles to the Axsy Mobile app at a time of their choosing.

Feature Bundles contain Axsy releases, for example the Axsy Summer '24 release is contained within a Feature Bundle. 

To allow customers to test Feature Bundles, initially to a group of test users this article describes how to create a limited user community config scope and activate Code Push of a Feature Bundle to this scope of users.

Scope Configuration

  1. From the Salesforce app launcher, select Axsy Mobile
  2. Navigate to Settings

  3. Click New version and Edit
  4. Click Manage Scopes
  5. Click + Create Scope
  6. Provide a suitable name for your Scope and use the Org Default as your template

  7. Click Create
  8. Add Users (or use a Profile) to assign users who will be in this Scope
  9. Click Save

Do not publish your config changes yet, proceed to the section below.

Activating Code Push

  1. Navigate to GlobalMobile Feature Set

  2. Click the magnifying glass next to the Active Feature Set
  3. Pick the Summer '24 Mobile Feature Set

  4. Click Activate
  5. Toggle the Enable Mobile Feature Sets off and back on (this ensures the change you have just made is recorded)

Again, do not publish your changes, proceed to the next section.

Checking Object Record List Plugin Configuration

If you do not use the Object Record List Plugin proceed to the Salesforce Custom Settings section below.

If you do use the Object Record List Plugin this will need to be updated to the version compatible with the Summer '24 Feature Bundle.

  1. Under PluginsObject Record Lists
  2. Click on the down arrow to the right of the Newer Version Available indicator and select the latest version available 1.2.31 in this example

  3. Accept the Change Plugin Version by clicking Yes
  4. For each of the Plugin Components, the Pull to Refresh Mode will need to be initially set to a value other than Scroll and then back to Scroll
  5. Save your changes (button top right)

Again, do not publish your changes, proceed to the next section.

Salesforce Custom Settings

  1. Navigate to Salesforce SetupCustom Settings
  2. Select Axsy App Config Settings for the axsy_mobile Namespace prefix

  3. Click Manage
  4. Click Manage again
  5. Click New
  6. Configure the App Variant as either retailExecution or publicSector or fieldService (as applicable to your org)
  7. Check the Enable Server Variant

  8. Click Save
  9. Return to the Axsy Mobile app and click Publish, ensuring the Generate Metadata checkbox is ticked
  10. After your config has published, go back to SetupCustom SettingsAxsy App Config SettingsManage and for the user now added at the bottom of the screen Edit that user and check Enable Server Variant

  11. Click Save.

Checking your Changes

  1. Using the Axsy Mobile for Salesforce Summer '24 app with a user that is in your test users Axsy Summer '24 Test Users Scope, once logged in check the version number of the app in the events console and in the mobile app commences with 7.0.2 (this indicates that the Axsy Summer '24 Feature Bundle is in use).
  2. With the Axsy Mobile for Salesforce Summer '24 app with a user that is in the Org Default scope login and confirm the mobile app version commences with 6.4.0 (this indicates that the Axsy Summer '23 compatibility bundle is in use).