Available in: Axsy Public Sector

It is possible to include Smart Form Tasks as part of an Action Plan Template for Public Sector.

For more For more information on how to create an Action Plan Template for a Visit, please see this article: Create a Public Sector Action Plan Template

  1. When viewing an unpublished Action Plan Template, select the New Task option

  2. Find the Smart Form ID in the Salesforce Web UI by viewing the appropriate Smart Form record and then copying the ID that sits between axsy_forms__Form__C and /view

  3. In the Comments field for the task, enter AXSY_FORM_LIST=<formid> with <formid> being the value found from step 2 above

Associate Multiple Smart Forms with a Single Task

To enable multiple Smart Forms to be accessed in a single Task, simply separate each Smart Form ID with a comma.

Example: To reference two Smart Forms to a Task, the Comments field value would look something like AXSY_FORM_LIST=a1O1x000003qElfEAE,a1O1x000003qEjKEAU